A Warm Farewell for Masters 2014
Wu Jiewei(吴杰蔚),Zhong Xianming(钟贤明), Zhang Chao(张超),Chen Run(陈润), and Xin Rui(辛锐) graduate from SJTU in the Spring of 2014. Congratulations!
A Warm Farewell for Masters 2014
Wu Jiewei(吴杰蔚),Zhong Xianming(钟贤明), Zhang Chao(张超),Chen Run(陈润), and Xin Rui(辛锐) graduate from SJTU in the Spring of 2014. Congratulations!
ScalaHDL: a first version is released in github
ScalaHDL: a Scala DSL which enables you to write code for FPGA in Scala, and later converted it into Verilog. You can also simulate and test your FPGA designs in ScalaHDL without converting them into Verilog. By Li Yao(李垚)
Introduction : ScalaHDL
A paper has been accepted by TACO
“Isolation and Scheduling of Virtualized GPU Resource in Cloud Gaming”, has been accepted by TACO. Congratulations!
Happy New Year’s Party on Dec. 29.
Students from three labs attended the New Year Party on Dec. 29.
We have a good time and wish a happy new year of 2014.
XIA Mingyuan will give a talk about Memory Leaks in Smartphone Apps
Xia Mingyuan(夏鸣远) will give a talk about “Why Application Errors Drain Battery Easily? A Study of Memory Leaks in Smartphone Apps (HotPower 2013)” on Dec. 23, 2:00 PM, Software Building 5407
A paper has been accepted by TPDS
“vGASA: Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm of Virtualized GPU Resource in Cloud Gaming”, has been accepted by Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Congratulations!
Our autumn outgoing’s destination is QianDao Lake in Zhejiang province. Everyone just enjoyed themselves and took a break from computer.
An open source prototype of Distributed Dynamic Fault Localization
D2FL, an open source prototype of Distributed Dynamic Fault Localization, has been released in github (https://github.com/d2fl/). The main developer is Zhu Xinyu.
Ed Clarke’s talk about Model Checking in Suzhou
On November 23, our group (Zhengwei Qi, Haiyang Sun, and Lu Gong) participated Ed Clarke’s (Turing Award 2007) academic workshop on Model Checking, and discussed with Prof. Xinyu Feng’s team in USTC Suzhou Institute.
A NPC 2013 Paper has been accepted for IJPP
Our Paper in NPC 2013 “A Virtualization Based Monitoring System for Mini-intrusive Live Forensics”, has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Parallel Programming.