Call for Participation for Java Byte Code Instrumentation Tool’s Training

字节码注入是程序分析的基础工具,可以在这个上面构建一系列的程序分析工具,例如代码统计、复杂度分析、指针分析、代码漏洞分析、程序正确性验证等,具有广泛的用途。 如果你对Java很感兴趣,亦或者你所研究的科研项目中需要用到类似的技术,本次提供了一个良好的机会,提供大家一个学习和交流的机会。完成由主办方给出的测试试题者,将获赠存放上述教学资料的U盘一个。我们邀请到瑞士卢加诺大学的Walter Binder带领的团队为我们做本次培训。 Walter Binder 2003-2006年在EFPL作为博士后,2006年至今在瑞士卢加诺大学任教,现任资深助理教授。研究方向为动态程序分析、并发程序、面向方面编程和云计算,近三年在ICSE、WWW、ICSM、OOPSLA、AOSD、ICWS 等著名会议以及IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering、Journal of Software、SPE、CCPE、STTT等学术期刊上发表了近20余篇论文。
他们开发了一个开源的Java注入工具DiSL,已经在AOSD、TOOLS 等软件工程著名的会议上发表了成果。DiSL支持以多种方式筛选注入点,允许用户直接将Java代码内联至注入点中。此外,DiSL还支持对静态、动态上下文信息的高效访问,以及在同一方法的两个不同的注入点之间利用临时变量传递信息。
主讲者为来自瑞士卢加诺大学的博士生Aibek Sarimbekov,并由郑雨迪加以中文补充说明。


A Paper Has Been Accepted for Publication in SPE

A paper “A Refined Decompiler to Generate C Code with High Readability” has been accepted for publication in Software: Practice and Experience(SPE). Congratulations!

A Paper Has Been Accepted for Publication in JSS

A paper “Optimizing Virtual Machines Using Hybrid Virtualization” has been accepted for publication in JSS. Congratulations!

Welcome Krause Rolf to Our Lab

Krause Rolf(Home Page) visited our lab, delivering a speech about the software in Computational Science this noon(4/20/2012).

Rolf's talk

Welcome Walter Binder to Our Lab

Walter Binder(Homepage) with two Doctor candidate Danilo Ansaloni and Lukáš Marek(Homepage) visit our lab, delivering a speech this afternoon(2012/4/18).

The speech began with a welcome and introdution by ZhengYudi.Then Danilo made a presentation about their Dynamic progame Analysis Tool called DiSL, which consists of its overview, ideas, design, implements and evaluation. Moreover, Lukas shows how to design a simple project and how to run it on eclipse. After a short disscssion, the speech ends successfully.

Binder's talk

Welcome Frans & Nickolai to Discuss with our group.

Frans Kaashoek(homepage) and Nickolai Zeldovich(homepage) will come to Shanghai Jiao Tong University this Friday(2012/3/30).

They will deliver a speech in the lecture hall of software building, 10 a.m. The speech is named Scaling addressing spaces & improving integer security in Linux. Here is their introduction of this speech:

“We will describe two recents results that we implemented in the Linux operation system. First, we describe a new design for a virtual memory system, inspired by RCU, that allows address space operations to scale well to many cores. Our changes improve the scalability of a multi-core MapReduce library on an 80-core machine from 22x to 75x. Second, we describe a tool, KINT, for finding integer errors that can lead to security exploits. KINT helped us find and fix nearly 100 such bugs in the Linux Kernel.”

Add a Photo in 2012/3/30

Frans & Nickolai's talk

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This is the public homepage of Trusted Cloud Group, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The domain name of this site is applying, after few days later you can access this site by domain name instead of IP address. But remember, the IP address and future domain name is only access-able for external network(relative to the lab internal network). If you are in our lab, please use to surf our homepage. User in internal network also have more privileges for some services(e.g. printer, scanner…), you can see the list in .