Zhengwei QI/戚正伟
Zhengwei Qi is the Professor in SJTU‘s School of Software, a member of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems. Before joining SJTU, he was a Ph.D student at the department of Computer Science at SJTU. He received a Ph.D degree (‘05) from the SJTU for his thesis on the formal method in distributed systems , under the guidance of Prof. Jinyuan You.
Zhengwei’s research interest is trusted computer systems: Android’s performance/security analysis, automatic testing, virtual machines/containers, cloud and mobile computing, GPU/FPGA virtualizations. The home page for the Trusted Cloud Group describes current projects.
From January to July of ‘08, he focused on the LTL based dynamic program analysis as a visiting teacher in the system group of Microsoft Research Asia. From ‘11 to ‘12, he was a visiting scholar in CMU SCS, hosted by Professor Edmund M. Clarke, who is a recipient with Allen Emerson and Joseph Sifakis of the 2007 ACM Turing Award.
博士,教授/博导,CCF高级会员, 系统软件、理论计算机专委会委员,USENIX、IEEE和ACM会员,是上海市可扩展计算与系统重点实验室成员,担任软件工程著名国际会议ICSE 2017 PC 。主要研究方向为可信系统软件,包括Android性能与安全分析,程序分析,Dev-Test-Ops,巨型虚拟机(QEMU/KVM)及新型设备虚拟化(GPU/FPGA等)、云计算、系统安全等,2011入选新世纪优秀人才计划,获得教育部科技进步一等奖和国家科技进步奖二等奖各一项,主持四项国家自然科学基金,近年来发表SCI/EI索引论文60余篇,包括TPDS、TDSC、TCC、TACO、S&P、ATC、PPoPP、HPDC、VEE、ICSM等,ESI高被引论文1篇。授权发明专利11项(转让3项),国际PCT专利申请3项,美国授权专利1项。出版译著《UNIX环境高级编程(第2版)》,为2008、2009年度畅销榜TOP50(China-Pub)。出版专著《BlewBluePill:深入理解硬件虚拟机》((获得IBM出版计划资助)和译著《UNIX高级环境编程(第3版)》(京东计算机与互联网图书2014年度销售榜Top 100)。指导的AEVIOU滑行输入法获得“挑战杯”特等奖(2011)。
Awards and Honors
National Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2014.
Ministry of Education Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2012.
The “Challenge Cup“ National University Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Work Competition, Ministry of Education, Outstanding Award, mentor, 2011.
Ministry of Education Award for New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2011
The Second International ICT Innovation Competition,Champion, mentor, 2009
- Zhengwei Qi DBLP, Google Scholar
- Our group’s publications
Android analysis and test
- AppAudit: Uncover Hidden Data Leaks in Apps [S&P ‘15], Try online!
- Appetizer: The Multi-dimensional and Practical Mobile DevOps Platform [ICSE ‘18, ICSME ‘18], Introduction, Try online!
Cloud & Virtualization:
- GPU Virtualization: the scalability and availability of GPU virtualization, [TPDS ‘14 ‘15 ‘18, HPDC ‘13, TACO ‘14, ATC ‘15 ‘16, APsys ‘16, VEE ‘18]
- FPGA:A Scala Based Framework for Developing Acceleration Systems Using FPGA, Source code,FPGA 2017
- Cloud Resource Management: an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to solve the problem of optimally consolidating servers[JCSS ‘13, ESI Highly Cited Paper], and Spark with SCache significantly mitigates the shuffle overhead [PPoPP ‘18].
Program Analysis:
- DiSL-A new domain-specific aspect language for bytecode instrumentation.International Cooperation Project with Walter Binder [TOOLS ‘11, AOSD’12, SCP’14, MODULARITY ‘15, SANER ‘16 ].
- C-Decompiler is a refined decompiler that translates X86 binary code to C/C++ code [WCRE ‘10, SPE ‘13].
AEVIOU Chinese Text Input(AEVIOU中文滑行输入法,第2011年十二届“挑战杯”特等奖)
- Computer Programming II [2013-2015]
- Foundation of Software Development(Undergraduate)[2006-2008]
- Embedded Systems(Undergraduate and Master)[2005-2010]
- Advanced Operating Systems (Master)[2007-2010]
- Computer Architecture —- CAAQA for graduate of Engineering [2011-2014]
- [Programming Design & Data Structure III 2009-2010]
- Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective [2010-2012]
- YOCSEF Shanghai Academic Committee, CCF, 2009-2010, Best Academic Secretary Award.
- Technical Reviewer: TPDS, TCC, JPDC, JSS, TSC, TC, TIFS, CSUR,JCST, Chinese Journal of Computers, Journal of Software
Prof. Zhengwei QI
Email: qizhwei AT
Tel: +86-21-34205595
Weibo: @正伟微博
School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
1207 Room, Software Building, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang,
Shanghai, China 200240