
Zhengwei QI/戚正伟

Zhengwei Qi is the Professor in SJTU‘s School of Software, a member of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems. Before joining SJTU, he was a Ph.D student at the department of Computer Science at SJTU. He received a Ph.D degree (‘05) from the SJTU for his thesis on the formal method in distributed systems , under the guidance of Prof. Jinyuan You.

Zhengwei’s research interest is trusted computer systems: Android’s performance/security analysis, automatic testing, virtual machines/containers, cloud and mobile computing, GPU/FPGA virtualizations. The home page for the Trusted Cloud Group  describes current projects.

From January to July of ‘08, he focused on the LTL based dynamic program analysis as a visiting teacher in the system group of Microsoft Research Asia. From ‘11 to ‘12, he was a visiting scholar in CMU SCS, hosted by Professor Edmund M. Clarke, who is a recipient with Allen Emerson and Joseph Sifakis of the 2007 ACM Turing Award

博士,教授/博导,CCF高级会员, 系统软件理论计算机专委会委员,USENIX、IEEE和ACM会员,是上海市可扩展计算与系统重点实验室成员,担任软件工程著名国际会议ICSE 2017 PC 。主要研究方向为可信系统软件,包括Android性能与安全分析,程序分析,Dev-Test-Ops,巨型虚拟机(QEMU/KVM)及新型设备虚拟化(GPU/FPGA等)、云计算、系统安全等,2011入选新世纪优秀人才计划,获得教育部科技进步一等奖和国家科技进步奖二等奖各一项,主持四项国家自然科学基金,近年来发表SCI/EI索引论文60余篇,包括TPDS、TDSC、TCC、TACO、S&P、ATC、PPoPP、HPDC、VEE、ICSM等,ESI高被引论文1篇。授权发明专利11项(转让3项),国际PCT专利申请3项,美国授权专利1项。出版译著《UNIX环境高级编程(第2版)》,为2008、2009年度畅销榜TOP50(China-Pub)。出版专著《BlewBluePill:深入理解硬件虚拟机》((获得IBM出版计划资助)和译著《UNIX高级环境编程(第3版)》(京东计算机与互联网图书2014年度销售榜Top 100)。指导的AEVIOU滑行输入法获得“挑战杯”特等奖(2011)。

Awards and Honors

  • National Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2014.

  • Ministry of Education Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2012.

  • The “Challenge Cup“ National University Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Work Competition, Ministry of Education, Outstanding Award, mentor, 2011.

  • Ministry of Education Award for New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2011

  • The Second International ICT Innovation Competition,Champion, mentor, 2009



  • Android analysis and test

    • AppAudit: Uncover Hidden Data Leaks in Apps [S&P ‘15], Try online!
    • Appetizer: The Multi-dimensional and Practical Mobile DevOps Platform [ICSE ‘18, ICSME ‘18], Introduction, Try online!
  • Cloud & Virtualization:

    • GPU Virtualization: the scalability and availability of GPU virtualization, [TPDS ‘14 ‘15 ‘18, HPDC ‘13, TACO ‘14, ATC ‘15 ‘16, APsys ‘16, VEE ‘18]
    • FPGA:A Scala Based Framework for Developing Acceleration Systems Using FPGA, Source codeFPGA 2017
    • Cloud Resource Management: an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to solve the problem of optimally consolidating servers[JCSS ‘13, ESI Highly Cited Paper], and Spark with SCache significantly mitigates the shuffle overhead [PPoPP ‘18].
  • Program Analysis:

    • DiSL-A new domain-specific aspect language for bytecode instrumentation.International Cooperation Project with Walter Binder [TOOLS ‘11, AOSD’12, SCP’14, MODULARITY ‘15, SANER ‘16 ].
    • C-Decompiler is a refined decompiler that translates X86 binary code to C/C++ code [WCRE ‘10, SPE ‘13].
  • AEVIOU Chinese Text InputAEVIOU中文滑行输入法,第2011年十二届“挑战杯”特等奖)



  • YOCSEF Shanghai Academic Committee, CCF, 2009-2010, Best Academic Secretary Award.
  • Technical Reviewer: TPDS, TCC, JPDC, JSS, TSC, TC, TIFS, CSUR,JCST, Chinese Journal of Computers, Journal of Software

Prof. Zhengwei QI

  • Email: qizhwei AT

  • Tel: +86-21-34205595

  • Weibo: @正伟微博

    School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
    1207 Room, Software Building, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang,
    Shanghai, China 200240